
Friday, March 8, 2019

Blood in The Tragedy of Macbeth and Lord of the Flies Essay

In both Lord of the locomote by William Golding and The disaster of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, relationship is used to symbolize effect in man, whether it is portraying loss of innocence and the malicious urges of a debauch heart or the deep guilt scarring an individual after a murder.The Tragedy of Macbeth uses blood as a symbol repeatedly passim the plot. The gaming is about a young nobleman of Scotland named Macbeth. After a long day of fighting, Macbeth and another character named Banquo cross paths with three preternatural sisters. When the witches eldest spoke, they told a prophecy, in all told hail, Macbeth Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis All hail, Macbeth Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter(1.3.48-50). After Macbeth learned his future, he and his wife plotted to cleanup the king of Scotland. Initially after the murder, Macbeth felt sinful for his sin, and uses blood to literally and symbolically line of battle his guil t. Will all cracking Neptunes ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green hotshot red(2.2.59-62).Blood in this specific example portrays the intense tonicity of guilt that Macbeth had. He believed that nothing would take the blood spilled from the murder murder of his hands. This is very similar to how Jack from Lord of the Flies felt first about the idea of him crop uping the innocent. The first time the boys on the island capture down a pig to shovel in, Jack had the opportunity to scratch off it yet did not. This relates back to the guilt felt by Macbeth, as both examples gift the characters feelings about bloodshed in the lead they became killers. Both Macbeth and Jack seemed brave to anyone conceive them, but were scared of murder in the beginning. However, as both plots thickened, the characters changed for the worse and went on to kill more and more. After Jack killed the sow, he a carek her blood and wiped it all over his face and then proceeded to shove a pointed bother through her head and display her to anyone who looked.In The Tragedy of Macbeth, after Macbeth got over the guilt of his first murder hethen went on to kill an even larger number of people. Both Jack and Macbeth lost all of their innocence and let their violent, corrupted hearts take over. They grew more and more bloodthirsty, and their murderous natures became overwhelming to them. In fact, the craving to kill became so good for both characters that they slaughtered the innocent, just because they could. In Lord of the Flies, Jack and his boys killed Simon and Piggy on with attempting to kill Ralph.The deaths of Simon and Piggy were results of Jacks heart becoming more evil, and wanting to kill just to kill. Jack did not have to kill them. This is similar to how Macbeth attempted to kill MacDuff. The witches told Macbeth that he didnt need to kill MacDuff, and his position on the throne was already sealed. They also told him that he necessary to beware of MacDuff. However, Macbeth didnt listen to them and wanted no more than to kill for the sake of killing. Macbeth went on to kill everyone in MacDuffs castle, and he tested and failed to kill MacDuff himself. This resulted in the death of Macbeth.The idea of bloodlust and death was shown even before Jack or Macbeth committed murder. When Golding described the island that the boys were stranded on, the damage that the plane did to the island was called a scar. Since scars are created from cuts, they bleed. Another example from Lord of the Flies is when Ralph plunges into the pee for the first time. Golding described the water being warmer than blood, which gave readers the idea that bloodlust would plump a very prominent image in the novel.In The Tragedy of Macbeth, blood and violence was seen everywhere. And Fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling, showed like a rebels whore but alls too weak for brave Macbeth- w ell he deserves that name- disdaining Fortune, with his brandished steel, which smoked with blood execution, like valors minion carved out his passage bowl he faced the slave which nevr shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, till he unseamed him from the nave to th chops, and fixed his head upon our battlements(1.2.14-23). This example shows Macbeth very being praised for his brutality, which shows that he already had a killer inside of him. However, Macbeth was not killing for personal gain at this point, but killed as a result of battle.Both in the novel Lord of the Flies and the play The Tragedy of Macbeth,murder and the spilling of blood turned both the characters Jack and Macbeth into malicious, bloodthirsty killers. Blood was a symbol in both writings to show the evil and violent nature of mankind, along with feelings of guilt, loss of innocence, and bloodlust.

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