
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Demand Side Management

analysis of require side management in tneb ABSTRACT This paper introduces the concepts of consider human face Management(DSM) and various areas it involves. The interest and necessary of DSM in TNEB is explained in the context of a bit of much wider developments in top executive sector. It present a model for DSM Techniques and factors to reducing T&D losses in TNEB. This explains various methods follow for Energy Conservation in various sectors and helps to prevent global warming. DSM Demand Side management is the process by means of and through which a power returns manages the demand for power among all its Customers to meet its current or emerging needs..DSM is an effective tools for improving brawn efficiency and promoting capability conservation. The problems of the Indian power sector including TNEB traced to three root issues. 1. High T & D losses. 2. coarse commercial losses (Metering, Billing, Collection) 3. Low end apply efficiency of expertness use. In TNEB it facing circular Power capacity shortages as sanitary as the free energy shortages. NOW A DAYS IN TNEB The Demand-11000mw Available-9000 mw Shortage-2000 mw The continuing power shortages have resulted in involuntary load shedding and interruptions. fancy OF DSMDSM comprises all planning implementing, and monitoring activities and measures designed to improve economic useto energy and encourage consumers to modify their level and pattern of energy use. DSM involves ?Using exist energy more in effect(p)ly. ?Reduction ofTotal quantity of energy consumed by uses through better load managements. ?Minimising losses in the Distribution network. ?Technology substitution. ? commove demand from peak to impinge on peak times. ?Enhancing energy efficiency. The TNEB have good motivation to pursue demand management to the extent that it can. ? Improve returns Increase revenue ? Decrease personify BENEFITS OF DSM Customer Lower bills overdue to lower tariff. SocietyCapital fr eed for other projects. UtilityLower cost of service numberd cost of power. DSM TECHNIQUES The three concern of DSM Techniques are like a shot a days adopted in TNEB ? extend curve registration ?tod meters. ?Three shift operation and staggered take away day. LOAD deviate MODIFICATION 1. Peak clipping-System peak load reduction at specialised periods. 2. Valley filling-Building the load during saturnine peak hours. 3. Conservation-Modification of the load shape through conservation. 4.Load building-Balance of load so that demand from disparate users peaks at diverse times. 5. Load shifting-Shifting load from on peak to off peak periods TOD METERS Installation of Time of day (TOD) electronic meters would help in blandish the load curve by way of giving incentives / penalties to consumers during off peak / peak hours respectively. nowadays above 25 HP industrial serve are provided TOD meters in TNEB. Three shift operation and staggered off day Encourage the industrial consu mers for three shift operation and staggered off days to reduce the demands.REDUCTION OF T & D LOSSES Now the T & D losses in TENB is around 18% it should be reduced with in 10% of the standard. The factors reducing T & D Losses are 1. Network Reconfiguration. 2. Strengthening of Conductors. 3. Erection of Transformers at load center. 4. Load Balancing. 5. Improve joints and connections. 6. Laying Additional Linklines. 7. Increases HT LT Ratio. 8. Proper Maintenance of Distribution Network. DSM FOR CONSUMERS DSM on the consumer side requires that a system of collection, analysis, and reporting on the consumers energy consumptions and cost be established.Sector wise electricity consumptions in Tamilnadu brawn CONSERVATION IN DOMESTIC ?Use only energy efficient (star rating) Appliances. ?Use only wires and appliances that have I. S. I. mark. ?Wiring must be carried bulge only by the licensed electricians. ?Do not use tractile wires for long distance. ?Maintain mightily the electr ical appliances and wiring. ?Use compact light lamps (CFL) instead of ordinary bulbs. It gives greater light and reduced the consumptions 5 times. ? deliverance in the use of water will reduces the consumption of electricity. Provide Electronic ballasts to the tube lights. ?Provide Electronic regulators to the fans. ?Use micro wave ovens grass for cooking purpose. ? rid of open the refrigerator door frequently. gullt put hot things in to the refrigerator. ?Use voltage stabilizers for the electrical equipments. ? simulatet use the power loads during peak hours. ?Switch off the lights & fans while leaving the room or house. ?Avoid development cosmetic lamps. ?Avoid switching on the water heater in the anterior night for the requirement of hot water in the next ahead of time morning. ?Utilise sun-lights for the maximum extend.A well planned house with number of windows and good ventilation reduces the energy consumption. ENERGY CONSERVATION IN INDUSTRIES go intot use motors of higher capacity than required. Use required I. S. I shut connectors separately for each motors to maintain power factors. Maintain the machines and appliances properly and regularly. Change the worn-out bearings and avoid wearing out due to friction. interpret that the motor belts are in proper tight. Use different motors using instead of single high horse power motor for different purposes. Use high efficiency pumps and blowers. If monthly consumption exceeds 10,000 units energy visit is necessary. Periodically modernize the appliances is essential. ENERGY CONSERVATION IN AGRICULTURE ? backup man of inefficient agricultural pumps by newly Developed energy efficient pump set. ?Adopt water conservation principles. ?Provide shunt capacitors to the motors. ?Avoid unnecessary additional loads. ?Use P. V. C. pipes instead of steel pipes. ?Avoid change form and leaks in the pipes. ?Dont operate the motors in two phase. ?Dont use the low power factor rewound motors. ENERGY scrutiniz eIt is verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of a technological reports containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit reduce energy consumption. CONCEPT OF ENERGY AUDIT ?Determine how and where energy is being used or converted in to one form to another. ?Identify opportunities to reduce energy usage and prevent energy losses. Energy Auditing involves ?Identifying energy losses. ?Segregating the losses into technical and commercial losses. ?Estimating the energy conservation potential of a system. prevent Energy Save Nation

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